
(Chhùng-thin-hiong chhṳ Tellur­ium)

Tellurium (Hon-ngî: ) he yit-chúng fa-ho̍k ngièn-su, fa-ho̍k fù-ho vì Te, ngièn-chṳ́ su-muk he 52.

Tellurium,  52Te
silvery lustrous gray (crystalline),
brown-black powder (amorphous)
Kî-pún sin-sit
Miàng, fù-ho Tellurium, Te
ngoi-hìn silvery lustrous gray (crystalline),
brown-black powder (amorphous)
Tellurium chhai chû-khì-péu ke vi-chi
Khiâng (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Hoi (hî-yù hi-thí)
Lithium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Beryllium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Phìn (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Than (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Tham (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Yông (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Fuk (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Nái (hî-yù hi-thí)
Na̍p (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Magnesium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Lî (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Si̍t (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Lìn (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Liù-vòng (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Liu̍k (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Argon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Kap (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Koi (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Scandium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Titanium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Vanadium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Chromium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Manganese (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thiet (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Cobalt (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Nickel (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thùng (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Â-yèn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Gallium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Germanium (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Phî (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Selenium (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Chhiu (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Krypton (hî-yù hi-thí)
Rubidium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Strontium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Yttrium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Zirconium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Niobium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Molybdenum (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Technetium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Ruthenium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Rhodium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Palladium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Ngiùn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Cadmium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Indium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Siak (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Antimony (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Tellurium (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Tién (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Xenon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Caesium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Barium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Lanthanum (lanthanum-hi)
Cerium (lanthanum-hi)
Praseodymium (lanthanum-hi)
Neodymium (lanthanum-hi)
Promethium (lanthanum-hi)
Samarium (lanthanum-hi)
Europium (lanthanum-hi)
Gadolinium (lanthanum-hi)
Terbium (lanthanum-hi)
Dysprosium (lanthanum-hi)
Holmium (lanthanum-hi)
Erbium (lanthanum-hi)
Thulium (lanthanum-hi)
Ytterbium (lanthanum-hi)
Lutetium (lanthanum-hi)
Hafnium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Tantalum (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Tungsten (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Rhenium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Osmium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Iridium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Pha̍k-kîm (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Kîm (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Súi-ngiùn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thallium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Yèn (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Bismuth (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Polonium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Astatine (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Radon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Francium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Radium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Actinium (actinium-hi)
Thorium (actinium-hi)
Protactinium (actinium-hi)
Uranium (actinium-hi)
Neptunium (actinium-hi)
Plutonium (actinium-hi)
Americium (actinium-hi)
Curium (actinium-hi)
Berkelium (actinium-hi)
Californium (actinium-hi)
Einsteinium (actinium-hi)
Fermium (actinium-hi)
Mendelevium (actinium-hi)
Nobelium (actinium-hi)
Lawrencium (actinium-hi)
Rutherfordium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Dubnium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Seaborgium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Bohrium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Hassium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Meitnerium (unknown chemical properties)
Darmstadtium (unknown chemical properties)
Roentgenium (unknown chemical properties)
Copernicium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Nihonium (unknown chemical properties)
Flerovium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Moscovium (unknown chemical properties)
Livermorium (unknown chemical properties)
Tennessine (unknown chemical properties)
Oganesson (unknown chemical properties)


ngièn-chṳ́ sì-sú 52
ngièn-chṳ́-liòng (±) 127.60(3)[1]
ngièn-su lui-phe̍t   lui-kîm-su̍k
Chhu̍k, fûn-khî 16 chhu̍k, p-block
chû-khì period 5
thien-chṳ́ phài-lie̍t [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p4
per shell 2, 8, 18, 18, 6
vu̍t-lî sin-chṳt
Siông ku-thí
yùng-tiám 722.66 K ​(449.51 °C, ​841.12 °F)
pui-tiám 1261 K ​(988 °C, ​1810 °F)
Me̍t-thu near Sit-vûn 6.24 g·cm−3
5.70 g·cm−3
Yùng-fa-ngie̍t 17.49 kJ·mol−1
Chîn-fat-ngie̍t 114.1 kJ·mol−1
Ngie̍t-yùng-liong 25.73 J·mol−1·K−1
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
chhai T (K)   (775) (888) 1042 1266
Ngièn-chṳ́ sin-chṳt
Yông-fa-su 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, −1, −2 ​(a mildly acidic oxide)
Thien-fu-sin Pauling scale: 2.1
Thien-lì-nèn 1st: 869.3 kJ·mol−1
2nd: 1790 kJ·mol−1
3rd: 2698 kJ·mol−1
Ngièn-chṳ́ pan-kang empirical: 140 pm
Khiung-ka pan-kang 138±4 pm
Van der Waals pan-kang 206 pm
Chîn-thí keu-chhohexagonal
Hexagonal crystal structure for Tellurium
Sâng-suk thin rod 2610 m·s−1 (at 20 °C)
Ngie̍t-phàng-chong 18 µm·m−1·K−1[2] (at r.t.)
Ngie̍t-chhòn-thô-li̍t 1.97–3.38 W·m−1·K−1
Chhṳ̀-sin diamagnetic[3]
Young's modulus 43 GPa
Shear modulus 16 GPa
Bulk modulus 65 GPa
Mohs hardness 2.25
Brinell hardness 180–270 MPa
CAS Registry Number 13494-80-9
Hí-miàng after Roman Tellus, deity of the Earth
Fat-hien Franz-Joseph Müller von Reichenstein (1782)
First isolation Martin Heinrich Klaproth
Chui vún-thin ke thùng-vi-su
Chú vùn-chông: Tellurium ke thùng-vi-su
iso NA half-life DM DE (MeV) DP
120Te 0.09% >2.2×1016 y (β+β+) 1.701 120Sn
121Te syn 16.78 d ε 1.040 121Sb
122Te 2.55% (SF) <30.974
123Te 0.89% >9.2×1016 y[4] (ε) 0.051 123Sb
124Te 4.74% (SF) <28.221
125Te 7.07% (SF) <26.966
126Te 18.84% (SF) <26.011
127Te syn 9.35 h β 0.698 127I
128Te 31.74% 2.2×1024 y ββ 0.867 128Xe
129Te syn 69.6 min β 1.498 129I
130Te 34.08% 7.9×1020 y ββ 2.528 130Xe
Decay modes in parentheses are predicted, but have not yet been observed

Chhâm-kháu chṳ̂-liau

  1. Standard Atomic Weights 2013. Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights
  3. Lide, D. R., pian. (2005). "Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds". CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (PDF) (86th pán.). Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-0486-5. Archived from the original on 2011-03-03. 2018-06-10 chhà-khon. 
  4. Alessandrello, A.; Arnaboldi, C.; Brofferio, C.; Capelli, S.; Cremonesi, O.; Fiorini, E.; Nucciotti, A.; Pavan, M.; Pessina, G.; Pirro, S.; Previtali, E.; Sisti, M.; Vanzini, M.; Zanotti, L.; Giuliani, A.; Pedretti, M.; Bucci, C.; Pobes, C. (2003). "New limits on naturally occurring electron capture of 123Te". Physical Review C 67: 014323. Bibcode:2003PhRvC..67a4323A. doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.67.014323.