Phìn (硼), fe̍t-chá ham-cho phìn-su (硼素), he yit-chúng Fa-ho̍k ngièn-su, fa-ho̍k fù-ho vì B, ngièn-chṳ́ su-muk he 5, chhai Ngièn-su chû-khì-péu chûng thi-ńg vi.

Phìn,  5B

boron (β-rhombohedral)[1]
Kî-pún sin-sit
Miàng, fù-ho Phìn, B
Yîn-ngî boron
thùng-su-thí α-, β-rhombohedral, β-tetragonal (and more)
ngoi-hìn black-brown
Phìn chhai chû-khì-péu ke vi-chi
Khiâng (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Hoi (hî-yù hi-thí)
Lithium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Beryllium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Phìn (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Than (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Tham (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Yông (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Fuk (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Nái (hî-yù hi-thí)
Na̍p (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Magnesium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Lî (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Si̍t (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Lìn (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Liù-vòng (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Liu̍k (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Argon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Kap (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Koi (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Scandium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Titanium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Vanadium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Chromium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Manganese (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thiet (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Cobalt (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Nickel (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thùng (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Â-yèn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Gallium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Germanium (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Phî (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Selenium (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Chhiu (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Krypton (hî-yù hi-thí)
Rubidium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Strontium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Yttrium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Zirconium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Niobium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Molybdenum (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Technetium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Ruthenium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Rhodium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Palladium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Ngiùn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Cadmium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Indium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Siak (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Antimony (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Tellurium (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Tién (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Xenon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Caesium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Barium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Lanthanum (lanthanum-hi)
Cerium (lanthanum-hi)
Praseodymium (lanthanum-hi)
Neodymium (lanthanum-hi)
Promethium (lanthanum-hi)
Samarium (lanthanum-hi)
Europium (lanthanum-hi)
Gadolinium (lanthanum-hi)
Terbium (lanthanum-hi)
Dysprosium (lanthanum-hi)
Holmium (lanthanum-hi)
Erbium (lanthanum-hi)
Thulium (lanthanum-hi)
Ytterbium (lanthanum-hi)
Lutetium (lanthanum-hi)
Hafnium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Tantalum (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Tungsten (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Rhenium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Osmium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Iridium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Pha̍k-kîm (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Kîm (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Súi-ngiùn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thallium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Yèn (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Bismuth (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Polonium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Astatine (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Radon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Francium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Radium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Actinium (actinium-hi)
Thorium (actinium-hi)
Protactinium (actinium-hi)
Uranium (actinium-hi)
Neptunium (actinium-hi)
Plutonium (actinium-hi)
Americium (actinium-hi)
Curium (actinium-hi)
Berkelium (actinium-hi)
Californium (actinium-hi)
Einsteinium (actinium-hi)
Fermium (actinium-hi)
Mendelevium (actinium-hi)
Nobelium (actinium-hi)
Lawrencium (actinium-hi)
Rutherfordium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Dubnium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Seaborgium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Bohrium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Hassium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Meitnerium (unknown chemical properties)
Darmstadtium (unknown chemical properties)
Roentgenium (unknown chemical properties)
Copernicium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Nihonium (unknown chemical properties)
Flerovium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Moscovium (unknown chemical properties)
Livermorium (unknown chemical properties)
Tennessine (unknown chemical properties)
Oganesson (unknown chemical properties)


ngièn-chṳ́ sì-sú 5
ngièn-chṳ́-liòng 10.81[2] (10.806–10.821)[3]
ngièn-su lui-phe̍t   lui-kîm-su̍k
Chhu̍k, fûn-khî 13 chhu̍k, p-block
chû-khì period 2
thien-chṳ́ phài-lie̍t [He] 2s2 2p1
per shell 2, 3
vu̍t-lî sin-chṳt
Siông ku-thí
yùng-tiám 2349 K ​(2076 °C, ​3769 °F)
pui-tiám 4200 K ​(3927 °C, ​7101 °F)
yùng-tiám ke yi̍t-thí me̍t-thu 2.08 g·cm−3
Yùng-fa-ngie̍t 50.2 kJ·mol−1
Chîn-fat-ngie̍t 508 kJ·mol−1
Ngie̍t-yùng-liong 11.087 J·mol−1·K−1
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
chhai T (K) 2348 2562 2822 3141 3545 4072
Ngièn-chṳ́ sin-chṳt
Yông-fa-su 3, 2, 1, −1, −5[4][5] ​(a mildly acidic oxide)
Thien-fu-sin Pauling scale: 2.04
Thien-lì-nèn 1st: 800.6 kJ·mol−1
2nd: 2427.1 kJ·mol−1
3rd: 3659.7 kJ·mol−1
Ngièn-chṳ́ pan-kang empirical: 90 pm
Khiung-ka pan-kang 84±3 pm
Van der Waals pan-kang 192 pm
Chîn-thí keu-chhorhombohedral
Rhombohedral crystal structure for Phìn
Sâng-suk thin rod 16,200 m·s−1 (at 20 °C)
Ngie̍t-phàng-chong β form: 5–7 µm·m−1·K−1 (at 25 °C)[6]
Ngie̍t-chhòn-thô-li̍t 27.4 W·m−1·K−1
Thien-chú-li̍t ~106 Ω·m (at 20 °C)
Chhṳ̀-sin diamagnetic[7]
Mohs hardness ~9.5
CAS Registry Number 7440-42-8
Fat-hien Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac and Louis Jacques Thénard[8] (30 June 1808)
First isolation Humphry Davy[9] (9 July 1808)
Chui vún-thin ke thùng-vi-su
Chú vùn-chông: Phìn ke thùng-vi-su
iso NA half-life DM DE (MeV) DP
10B 19.9(7)% 10B is stable with 5 neutrons[10]
11B 80.1(7)% 11B is stable with 6 neutrons[10]
10B content may be as low as 19.1% and as high as 20.3% in natural samples. 11B is the remainder in such cases.[11]

Chhâm-kháu chṳ̂-liau

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  2. Conventional Atomic Weights 2013. Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights
  3. Standard Atomic Weights 2013. Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights
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  9. Davy H (1809). "An account of some new analytical researches on the nature of certain bodies, particularly the alkalies, phosphorus, sulphur, carbonaceous matter, and the acids hitherto undecomposed: with some general observations on chemical theory". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 99: 39–104. doi:10.1098/rstl.1809.0005. 
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  11. Szegedi, S.; Váradi, M.; Buczkó, Cs. M.; Várnagy, M.; Sztaricskai, T. (1990). "Determination of boron in glass by neutron transmission method". Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Letters 146 (3): 177. doi:10.1007/BF02165219.