你好, fôn-ngiàng kâ-ngi̍p Wikipedia!

Kám-tshia ngì tui Wikipedia ke him-tshi lâu kung-hien, hî-mong ngì tsiông-voi hí-fôn liá-piên. Tshù-liáu fôn-ngiàng tshṳ̀ ngoi, ya tshiáng-ngì liáu-kié yî-ha tshung-yeu vùn-tsông:

Pán-khièn mun-thì kié-tap
Kung-hien nui-yùng pit-sî he Ngì-ke tsok-phín fe̍t-tsá tet-tó su-khièn,
thùng-yi tshai GFDL thiàu-khúan ha fat-pu
Hàn-yû mun-thì? Tshiáng to Fu-tshu Hak-thâng mun-kóng. Phe̍t mong-ki: thó-lun heu yeu-kín Tshiâm-miàng, fông-sṳt tsṳ̂-yit he liù-hâ si-ge Pô-long-vùn "~~~~ ".
If you have any questions about the Hakka Wikipedia, please leave a message here. Thank you for visiting!
  • Sîn-sú yin-kôi tsu-yi ke tshit-tsúng Sòng-kien Tsho-ngu.
  • Yû ngim-hò phiên-siá song-ke mun-thì? Tshiáng tshai ha-mien kâ-ngi̍p "{{Helpme}}", khì-thâ Wiki-ngìn kien-tó heo tsiông-voi lòi thì-kiûng pông-tshu.
  • Hî-mong ngì nèn hióng-su phiên-siá ngìn-lui khiung-yû tsṳ̂ tshṳ-yù pak-khô ke khuai-lo̍k, sṳ̀n-vì yit-miàng khuai-lo̍k ke Wikipedia-ngìn.

Ngài he fôn-ngiàng ngì ke Wikipedia-ngìn: Lin yue chang 14:05, 7 Kiú-ngie̍t 2009 (UTC)

Translation of a short story


Hi my friend!

I would like to request something from you. Yes, translation. I hope, it's not a bad thing for you. Some years ago I wrote a (really) short story about a lonely man (actually symbolized the Saami nation). I translated into some languages and I thought, it would be great to have it more, like also in Hak-ka-fa :) I made this page, the English translation is somewhere there. You can put the Hak-ka-fa translation there. Thank you again! Sorry for my disturb... :( - hu:User:Eino81



您好。抱歉使用中文留言。我已經將您創建的數項條目提出速刪請求,理由為「G3:純粹破壞,包括但不限於明顯的惡作劇、錯誤資訊、人身攻擊等」。如果您不同意,請參見該頁面的快速刪除模板中的指示。謝謝。H78c67c (kâu-liù) 22:35, 22 Sṳ̍p-ngi-ngie̍t 2020 (UTC)