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Amire80kâu-liù | Kung-hien
Thi 36 hàng:
有些兩岸譯名差異甚大。像[[Sâ-vû-thi Â-lâ-pak]]、[[Â-lâ-pak Lièn-ha̍p Thai-kûng-koet]]大陸人就完全不懂是個啥玩意(大陸叫沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯聯合酋長國),如果不是廣為人知的譯名還是直接沿用英文名字為妙。--[[特殊:使用者貢獻/|]] 15:24, 9 九月 2015 (UTC)
== ContentTranslation ==
I noticed that you are using ContentTranslation to create a lot of articles, but you aren't actually writing a translation, and you are just copying the Chinese text.
This is not how ContentTranslation is supposed to be used. Can you please stop this and write real translations?
Thanks for understanding. --[[用戶:Amire80|Amir E. Aharoni]] ([[用戶討論:Amire80|對話]]) 16:03, 23 十月 2015 (UTC)