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S205645kâu-liù | Kung-hien
S205645kâu-liù | Kung-hien
Thi 45 hàng:
:::::::::::Yes, "Chhṳ-chhṳ-khî‎" = Autonomous Community. --[[用戶:S205645|S205645]] ([[用戶討論:S205645|對話]]) 12:47, 2 七月 2014 (UTC)
::::::::::::Translation: ''The "Valencian Autonomous Community" (Valencian language: Comunitat Valenciana; Spanish language: Comunidad Valenciana) is an autonomous region of Spain, located in the southeast of Spain. It was historically part of the Valencian Empire (Valencia language: País Valencià; Spanish language: País Valenciano).'' (Note: Extracted from zh.wikipedia) --[[用戶:S205645|S205645]] ([[用戶討論:S205645|對話]]) 12:54, 2 七月 2014 (UTC)
:::::::::::::Okay., Thank you once again for your contributions.--[[用戶:S205645|S205645]] ([[用戶討論:S205645|對話]]) 13:16, 2 七月 2014 (UTC)
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